What’s included in XEditPro?
Grammar & Style Checking
Grammar checking, contextual thesaurus, and automated rules ensure consistency and readability while context-sensitive style suggestions is particularly handy
Collaboration Tools
Support for multiple user roles with ability to keep track of changes of each contributor and allow them to share, review, comment on, raise queries and edit
Composing and Layout
Support for customizable style sheet with zero restrictions on design
Layout of page, paragraph, line, header etc. can be fine-tuned with easy access menus
Non-Text Objects
Supports straightforward insertion and manipulation of non-text objects like Images, Symbols, Tables, Equations, Media, Interactives, External links, and Footnotes
Workflow Management
Role-based access, Content Integrity through versioning, Real time status notifications and Workflow customizations improve efficiency
Digital Asset Management
Flexible and scalable cloud-based storage to track rights-managed assets increases probability of assets to be re-purposed
Book Creation
Automated TOC/ Index /Glossary Generation and Custom Book Creation accelerate the pace of Book Making
Issue Making
Allows selecting articles that make up each issue and order them (drag & drop) and insert cover page with ease